Can't figure out why your jaw hurts?
“TMJ” has been called the great impersonator. Pain in one area might not actually come from that area but rather be ‘referred’ from another. This can be a source of great frustration for people who are in pain and can actually point at the problem.
It’s just another reason why long ago, we opted to limit our practice to the areas of TMJ and Dental Sleep Medicine. The types of examinations we do, the questions we ask, are markedly different from what you might have experienced in a traditional dental office.
The key in treating any illness is understanding the “CAUSE” behind the symptoms. Without such an understanding, symptoms might be relieved but may come back because the cause of the problem was not dealt with.
We are dedicated to relieving your discomfort and helping you regain full function so that you can lead your life without thinking about anything other than enjoying it to the fullest.
Have a question? We’re here to help. Send us a message and we’ll be in touch.